
Corporate webinars: We offer corporate webinars tailored to your specific interests around agile and project management. Please give us a call at (949) 876-5700, or send us an e-mail at [email protected].

Here are some of our past webinars:

Agile Webinar with Dr. CK Taneja, SAFe SPC:
Topic: Challenges of Agile Transformations.
Date and Time:
Oct 15, 2020,
   5:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST,
   4:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST, 
   3:00 PM to 4:00 PM MST,
   2:00 PM to 3:00 PM PST. 
PDUs, SEUs: 1 PDU (leadership), 1 SEU.

More about the webinar: 

How the webinar might help you: In this webinar, we will answer your questions about challenges you have faced (or will face) during your agile project and during your organization’s agile transformation.
We want to hear from you! Please send us your questions; as you register for the webinar, please include your question in the “message” field:
- What challenges have you faced during your agile projects and overall agile transformation?
- If applicable, how did you overcome those challenges?

Agile transformation challenges: 

Among possible agile transformation challenges that might slow you down are the following:
1. Lack of commitment: Top management is not committed to organizational change. The result is that the agile project shows only minor improvements in comparison to previous approaches. As a result, agile is perceived as only marginally better than previous approaches.
2. Lack of resources: The organization does not provide the necessary resources, such as tools and coaching, to move to agile.
3. Unrealistic expectations: The organization completely underestimates the time required for organizational change.
4. Agile restricted to one department only: Agile remains restricted to just a small part of the organization, e.g. software development. There are no plans to roll out agile to the rest of the organization.
5. Lack of agile knowledge: Top management and/ or middle management is unfamiliar with agile benefits and agile concepts.
6. No communication of value of agile project: Once an agile project is completed, the value that this agile project just generated for the organization is not disseminated.
7. Fake agile: Somehow, your organization ended up with a fake implementation of agile where agile terminology is used heavily but agile principles are violated every single day.

About the speaker: 

• CK Taneja works as an agile coach and instructor, helping companies such as Discover, McDonald's, and Ford make the transition to agile.
• CK has worked in IT, project management, manufacturing, health care, real estate, financial services, and consulting, rising to level of COO, CFO, CAO, and General Manager. 
• CK has lived and worked in 5 countries in the Americas and Asia.
• Certifications: SAFe SPC, CSM, SSGB, and others.
• Education: EMBA, National University of Singapore, and others.

Agile Webinar with Dr. CK Taneja, SAFe SPC:
Topic: Agile and Scrum Explained in Under 10 Minutes.
Date and Time:
Aug 13, 2020,
   5:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST,
   4:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST, 
   3:00 PM to 4:00 PM MST,
   2:00 PM to 3:00 PM PST. 
PDUs: 1 PDU (leadership).

More about the webinar: 

How the webinar might help you: In under 10 minutes, we will give you an easy-to-understand overview of agile. Specifically, we will look at agile concepts and benefits, agile roles, and agile workflow. We will also explain how agile differs from traditional waterfall project management.

Gartner reports that over 80% of organizations are already using an agile methodology or are planning to adopt one. As more and more organizations are moving towards agile, it is important for you to know how agile could benefit you, your team, and your organization.

We will discuss:
- Agile Concepts and Benefits: How agile differs from traditional waterfall project management.
- Agile Roles: Product owner, scrum master, team member.
- Agile Workflow (ceremonies): Iteration/ sprint planning, daily stand up/ daily scrum, iteration/ sprint review, iteration/ sprint retrospective.

Highlights from: Dr. CK Taneja, SAFe SPC: "Agile and Scrum Explained in Under 10 Minutes", Aug 13, 2020, 14:58 min.

Agile Webinar with Dr. CK Taneja, SAFe SPC:
Topic: The Role of a Project Manager in an Agile Organization.
Date and Time:
July 9, 2020,
   5:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST,
   4:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST, 
   3:00 PM to 4:00 PM MST,
   2:00 PM to 3:00 PM PST. 
PDUs: 1 PDU (strategic PDU).

More about the webinar: 

How the webinar might help you: The webinar will show how you can transform yourself from a project manager running waterfall projects to finding your new role in an organization that is moving to agile.

Spoiler alert: That new role might NOT necessarily be that of a scrum master; there might be other roles that might be more suited to your specific background and personality.

The webinar will show how you can build on your existing skills and strengths in order to make the transition to agile:

- What types of additional training might help in your transition?
- What additional certifications might be helpful?
- Does your way of working need to change?

Highlights from: Dr. CK Taneja, SAFe SPC: "The Role of a Project Manager in an Agile Organization", Jul 9, 2020, 7:20 min.

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